aim of
the project CISOinSMEs is to create a course of Information Security
oriented to European SMEs, which includes classroom training, online
and a multimedia platform. Also this course is certifiable by the VCC
This summer we have made in Bulgaria, Greece and Poland a pilot test of
course that has been developed in the project in which they have
participated more
than 60 people, between employees, owners of SMEs and trainers.
Here we present the results of these pilot tests
and the final ratings that the course have had to participants.
In the pilot test carried
out in Bulgaria by the partner Association Generations, has
participated 17 students and 5 trainers and F2F sessions was held from
16 to 18 July.
The pilot training was a blended learning training session where 1/3 of
the training (16 Units) was F2F training and 2/3 (24 Units) online
training course.
The main objective of the training course was to verify knowledge of
contemporary management of IT security as well as information security
and protection, paying special attention to personal data and skills in
risk management.
All participants were informed about the project’s objectives and
received all the training materials developed in Bulgarian language as
well as access to the CISO e-portal and the VCC platform.
The evaluation by the participants was:
- 76% of participants strongly agree and
24% agree that the organization of the face to face training sessions
was appropriate.
- 47% of the participants strongly agree
and 53 % agree that the CISO portal is a useful tool that will support
data protection and Information Security (IS) training and Information
in the CISO portal is practically oriented and covers theirs company
- The participants strongly agree that
the knowledge gathered during the training could be immediately
implement in their job. The participants shared the opinion, that they
have upgraded their professional portfolio.
In training made by the
partner IDEC in Greece participated 20 students and five trainers and
F2F sessions was held from 16 to 18 September.
The course objectives were:
- to test the blended learning contents
and methodology developed in the framework of the project on the
subject of Information Security for SMEs
- to assess the training tools used
(exercise, case studies, e-learning platform etc.)
- to certify both trainers and trainees
through practical and theoretical examination in accordance with the
VCC certification scheme.
All aspects of the training organization were very highly evaluated,
receiving only “strongly agree” and “agree” markings. The topics that
presented a wider variety of marks are the following:
- Workload
during the training was manageable: 15% strongly agree,
65% agree and 20% unsure.
- The
duration of the face to face training session has been the right one:
40% strongly agree, 45% agree, 10% unsure and 5% disagree
- The
training has been important for starting data protection and
Information Security (IS) proceedings in my business: 65%
strongly agree, 25% agree and 10% unsure.
In Poland, the partner
SYNTEA carried out the training phase and 20 students participated. F2F
training was held from 10 to 12 September.
The training session was planned as a so called blended learning
approach, meaning that approximately 1/3 of the training (16 Units)
shall be thought face-to-face and 2/3 (24 Units) shall be thought
Participants were representatives 12 different companies so during 3
days of F2F trainings trainer had to find a common target of 20 people
and fit training materials to the needs and expectations of target
group. All participants had a basic IT tools knowledge, no formal
qualification in information security and little or none awareness of
the impact of IS on their company.
After training session, participants took the VCC exam for Information
Security Officer competence. Exam was divided into 2 parts: theoretical
on the exam platform and practical written exam.
Now we highlight some aspects of the evaluation made by participants:
- The
organization of the face to face training sessions was appropriate:
60% of participants strongly agree and 40% of them agree on this
- The
CISO portal is a useful tool that will support data protection and
Information Security (IS) training and Information in the CISO portal
is practically oriented and covers theirs company interests:
45% of participants strongly agree and 50 % of participants agree.
- General
satisfaction of the participants: 70% of participants are
satisfied with training, 15% assessed taking part in training as
average. |

Total: A total of 57
persons attended the pilot phase, 17 in Bulgaria, 20 in Greece and 20
persons in Poland.
distribution: Out of these 57 persons, 25 have been female
and 32 male, which correspond to 43,86% Women and 56,14% Men.
of Information Security before training: Most participants
has some knowledge before training (43,86%), followed by fairly
experience (22,81%). A group of 15,79% assessed themselves as very
experienced, while 10,53% declared, that they know nothing at all
concerning Information Security.
of Information Security after training: Knowledge of
Information Security rose significantly, which is a very strong
indicator for the impact of our training activities. After pilot
training 26,32% assessed themselves as very experienced, 59,65% as good
knowledge, 12,28% with some knowledge and only 1,75% remained with
fairly knowledge, while nobody assessed without knowledge. This means,
that the group of very experienced users rose 10,53% and good knowledge
rose mostly with 52,63%, while all weaker knowledge groups decreased
knowledge in work: Around half of all participants are
definitely sure, that they can use their new knowledge at their actual
workplace, another 26,32% are likely to applicate, which means that the
training activities are directly transferable for three out of four
participants in the pilot phase.
– in total: The training activities reached a very high
level of grading. 43,86% valuated the training as Excellent, 42,11% as
good, which means, that more than 85% of participants have been highly
satisfied with the training activities.. |
Our website is available in English, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish,
Bulgarian and Austrian (www.cisoinsmes.eu), so everyone across Europe
can find about the project and get involved. The site contains news,
information about security, VCC System and will be furtherly developed
in the coming months with the online E-learning zone. And do not
forget, you can still keep in touch with us via Facebook
in SMEs), Twitter (@CISOinSMEs)
and through our linkedin group (CISOinSMEs)